
Posts Tagged ‘timelines’

Killer Graphic

Scientific American graphic succinctly drives home the point

It may be a cliche that a picture is worth 1000 words, but this graphic certainly proves the point. Three bar graphs showing how life expectancy is altered by our “good” and “bad” habits.


Parallel Timelines Follow A Race

December 22, 2011 1 comment

Canada’s National Post Summarizes America’s Republican presidential race.

Running timelines in parallel presents the dynamics of the Republican “horse race” at a glance. Looking closer, each time line is annotated with the candidate’s share of voters. Everything you need to know in one full-page infographic. (Click on it to see more detail.)

Your Life as an Infographic Instantly Turns Your LinkedIn Resume Into an Infographic

Raises the interesting point that potential employers have a tedious task plowing through stacks of resumes. “In the age of data overload, the text resume is slowly becoming a living anachronism,” says the company’s press release. “The average resume is now over 2 pages long with more than 1000 words.” The question is: can this situation be alleviated via an Infographic?

The problem with these computer-generated infographics is that they are largely chart junk: graphics for the sake of graphics that do little to clarify and communicate. However, as a first attempt to strike out in a new direction we should not be too critical of the details. The time line presentation of education and past experience does communicate well. Other parts of the infographic need work.

A New Way to Display Timelines on the Web

ProPublica releases free tool for creating dynamic timelines

Timelines are a great tool for visual explanation, but also time consuming to create. ProPublica speeds the job with its TimelineSetter tool for creating beautiful interactive HTML timelines from information entered into a simple spreadsheet. The program automatically creates a package of HTML and JavaScript code that can be dropped into a web page. TimelineSetter displays the events as a series of color bars on the scrollable timeline, which when clicked present additional information.

Although a powerful time saver, ProPublica wasted no time on providing a friendly user interface. TimelineSetter is a javascript that runs form the computer’s command line. This may be too geeky for most journalists so a bit more effort from ProPublica would probably go a long way to popularize their otherwise very useful tool.